Monday, February 28, 2011

Bali - Ubud Part 1

Corner Store et moi

My latest work for Corner Store - full page ad in Insite magazine


Well Iv'e been on a Bali hiatus and this is how i feel now i am back, got a few posts to follow with but for now Patti sums up this kinda crazy feeling of 'where am i going and what to i do with what iv'e got'....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The beady eye.....

I was having one of those days yesterday but these bracelets came out of it...
Nothing like a bit of beading and fluorescent cord to lift the spirits
The turquoise one was inspired by my friend Becky Blair's paintings (more about her later)
so that one is now hers to keep
maybe I should make more and sell them?

Have a golden day! k